e-mail from your bank gets your attention right away. It says you need to log
into your account in the next 48 hours to continue your online privileges.
Something about a system upgrade. You wonder, is it legitimate? How can you know for sure?
e-mails designed to steal your identity, also known as phishing, are becoming a bigger problem these days. While they can
take many different forms, most scams are designed to trick you into revealing
personal information such as your social security number or online account
password. Through clever use of logos and familiar-looking web addresses, these
e-mails often appear to be
an urgent message from your bank, mortgage lender, or e-mail provider.
You may
not realize it, but thieves are especially eager to gain access to your web e-mail account. Why? Once a scammer
has access to your e-mails, he or she can often figure out where you bank and detect clues to passwords you
might use.
So what
can you do to protect yourself? Take a moment and think before you click. Never
respond to an e-mail asking for your social security number or birth date. You
can almost bet that it is a scam. If an e-mail contains a website link that you
are not familiar with, do not click on it. Instead, either go directly to the company’s trusted
website, or contact them by phone.
remember that e-mail scams become more prevalent following a significant public
event, such as a natural disaster or sudden stock market drop. Thieves will
prey on your sympathies or fears during these times, so be extra careful when
responding to appeals for charity or notices to update your financial records. Also,
be leery of e-mails with demanding language or incorrect grammar -- both are potential signs of a
counterfeit e-mail.
preventive measures, try to use a different password for every online account,
and change your passwords regularly. Make your passwords stronger by using combinations of
letters, symbols, and
numbers. Also, keep your computer anti-virus software up to date.