Friday, February 22, 2013

IRS Business Update

Two recent IRS announcements could affect your business.

taxpayers who use a portion of their home regularly and
exclusively for business may opt to use a simplified
method for computing their home-office deduction.
Instead of complex calculations for allocating expenses,
the simplified method allows $5 a square foot for up to
300 square feet for the home office. The deduction is
capped at $1,500 a year. Under the simplified method,
no depreciation of the home is allowed, but all business
expenses not related to the home (such as advertising,
supplies, and employee wages) are still fully deductible.

EXTENSION OF MARCH 1 DEADLINE. Farmers and fishermen
aren't required to make quarterly estimated tax payments
if they file their tax return and pay taxes due by
March 1 of the following year. Because this year's tax
filing has been delayed while the IRS makes changes
necessitated by the late passage of the recent tax law,
the Service has extended this March 1 filing deadline
to April 15.

The filing extension will apply to all farmers and
fishermen, not just to those who had to wait for
late-released IRS forms. To qualify as a farmer or
fisherman for 2012, at least two-thirds of a taxpayer's
gross income for 2011 or 2012 must have come from
farming or fishing.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Dependents: What are the tax rules?

Most taxpayers believe that a "dependent" is a minor child that lives with them. While that is essentially correct, dependents can include parents, other relatives and nonrelatives, and even children who don't live with you. There is really much more to the dependent deduction than you might at first imagine.

* Exemptions and your taxable income. For 2012, each dependent deduction is worth $3,800, reducing your taxable income by this amount. In 2013, the deduction increases to $3,900 and is phased out for high-income taxpayers.

* Dependents defined. It's impossible to present all of the rules relative to dependents here, since they are so complicated. Generally speaking, if somebody lives with you and you provide more than half of that individual's support for the entire year, there is a good chance that person is a dependent. There are many exceptions. For example, parents don't have to live with you if they otherwise qualify, but some other relatives do. A child of divorced parents doesn't necessarily have to live with the noncustodial spouse for the dependent deduction to apply.

* People who can't be claimed. Generally, you may not claim a married person as a dependent if that person files a joint return with a spouse. Also, a dependent must be a U.S. citizen, resident alien, national, or a resident of Canada or Mexico for part of the year.

* One dependent deduction per individual. If you claim yourself as your own dependent, anybody else who can truly meet the tests and claim you as a dependent will lose out. This is common for college students who file their own tax returns for their part-time jobs, while mom and dad really meet all of the qualifications to claim the dependent exemption.

While the dependent deduction might seem relatively minor, it can lead to other deductions on the tax return. In order to claim the child tax credit, the education credits, the dependent care credit, for example, you must claim the dependent deduction for the child that qualifies for the deduction or credit.

Finally dependent deductions can be negotiated, which is especially important for divorced taxpayers. In the past, the IRS would accept the language of the divorce decree to allow the noncustodial parent the dependent deduction. However, under the current rules, the IRS will no longer accept a divorce decree in lieu of IRS Form 8332 (Release of Exemption).

Friday, February 8, 2013

Pay attention to restored deductions for 2012

A number of tax breaks that had expired at the end of 2011 or were to expire at the end of 2012 were extended by the recently passed law, the "American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012." Keep these deductions and credits in mind as you gather the paperwork for filing your 2012 tax return. Those that apply to you or your business could cut your 2012 tax bill.

FOR INDIVIDUALS. The law restored for 2012 through 2013 the following tax breaks:

* The optional deduction for state and local sales taxes instead of deducting state and local income taxes.

* The above-the-line deduction for up to $4,000 for qualified tuition and related expenses.

* The deduction for mortgage insurance premiums.

 * The above-the-line deduction for up to $250 for classroom supplies purchased by teachers.

* The exclusion from income for cancellation of mortgage debt of up to $2 million on a principal residence.

FOR BUSINESSES. Included in the law's provisions were the following items that could affect your business:

* The Section 179 first-year expensing option was increased retroactively for 2012 and extended through 2013 at $500,000 for the purchase of new and used equipment. The investment limit is set at $2,000,000.

* 50% bonus depreciation, which applies only to new equipment purchases, was extended through 2013.

* Both the research tax credit and the Work Opportunity Tax Credit were extended through 2013.

For assistance in identifying and utilizing all the tax deductions, both new and old, to which you are entitled, please give us a call.

Friday, February 1, 2013

New Medicare taxes take effect in 2013

The 2010 health care reform legislation included several provisions that go into effect this year. Among them is the increase in Medicare taxes for taxpayers with incomes above certain levels. Here is an overview of these two new taxes.

FIRST, the payroll Medicare tax will increase from 1.45% of wages to 2.35% on amounts above $200,000 earned by individuals and above $250,000 earned by married couples filing joint returns. The tax increase will also apply to self-employment income exceeding the threshold amounts.

Employers are required to withhold the additional tax from wages exceeding $200,000, regardless of the individual's filing status. They are not required to inform the employee when they begin the additional withholding, nor are they required to match the additional withholding.

SECOND, there is a new 3.8% Medicare tax on unearned income for single taxpayers with adjusted gross income over $200,000 and married couples with income over $250,000. The tax will apply to the lesser of (a) net investment income, or (b) the amount by which modified adjusted gross income exceeds the $200,000 / $250,000 thresholds. The tax may require adjustments to the estimated taxes paid by an individual, but it does not have to be withheld from wages.

Examples of unearned income include interest, dividends, capital gains, royalties, and rental income. Social security benefits, alimony, tax-exempt interest, and distributions from most retirement plans are examples of unearned income not subject to this new tax.